Dermatologically proven skin compatibility
Since 1988, nora® materials have been regularly tested for skin compatibility, previously from Institute Fresenius and now from Dermatest. The Fresenius institute, that consumers may know from the Nutella jar or liver sausage, has stopped those test series to focus on other business areas. With the Dermatest institute we have managed to find an adequate institute, that exclusively focusses on patch tests and supports us with dermatologists and dermatological experts.
The dermatological tests are performed on human skin. Through the patch test the material is tested by applying small patches of the material to the skin and after 24, 48 and 72 hours the skin is dermatologically examined.Dermatest describes this test as follows:
“The patch test shows any primary irritation or contact dermatitis (by provoking allergic skin reactions in sensitised volunteers). The test substances are applied most of the time occlusively to the skin, i.e. under closed conditions, in appropriate concentrations.”
The nora® range has been comprehensively dermatologically tested and certified and therefore holds the Dermatest seal ‘excellent’. This guarantees, that there are no irritations or incompatibility reactions caused by the material.
Skin compatibility is only one aspect, that we prove and certify for the safty of our customers and their patients. The skin compatibility test contributes to the comprehensive quality and safety measures that are a matter of course for us. For more information please do not hesitate to request respective certifcates via: info-shoe@nora.com.
But skin compatibility is only one aspect that is being tested and certified for the safety of our practitioners and their patients. The skin compatibility test contributes to the comprehensive quality and safety measures that are for nora systems a matter of course.